Romance Writers Weekly ~ Rejection

Welcome back. How about a little honesty? This week’s question is…
How do you handle it when your work is rejected?
The path to publication is fraught with rejection. to make it in this business, you must have a pretty thick skin. The funny thing is, most writers, as artists, are naturally sensitive.
Now, let’s talk about me. LOL
I have been writing with the hope of publication for about 32 years. I know, “she looks so young.” Hahaha…
When I first started sending my work to editors and agents there was very little self-publishing. It was considered a failure to publish a book on your own or with the use of a vanity press. Of course today things are much different and even established authors self-publish their books.
Keeping in mind that 32 years ago, I didn’t consider it an option, I’ll tell you I sent out my books hundreds of times and received hundreds of rejections. Some of them were very kind and some were my letter sent back with the word “pass” jotted on the top. Not so very nice, right? For many years, each and every one of those rejection letters tore at my heart and soul. They made me doubt the dream I had of being a storyteller. On the other hand, they toughened me up.
I’m a hybrid author now; I self-publish and I have books with a NY publisher. I still deal with people saying no, but I’m better at looking at it objectively. I don’t know what else crossed an editor’s desk that day or if they had bad seafood and are dealing with a raging case of food poisoning. Just like everything in life, it’s a risk. You send out the book of your heart and hope someone else loves it as much as you do. The trick is not to let someone else’s opinion color your dreams. Is it easy? No. Somedays it’s harder than others. It doesn’t change the dream and self-doubt is toxic and best avoided.
Know your worth. Believe in yourself. Others will follow.
Keep hopping for PG Forte.
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